



property investment








educational services







educational services




educational services



educational services


Property Investment Services.

The Real Estate division at our company is dedicated to support in purchasing privately owned, or investment companies, tourism/real estate property.

It provides assistance and consulting services in the evaluation of various options aimed at real estate investment operations through technical due diligence and managerial activities.

It is not only the property, we will also help to understand the implications with the legal and tax practices in Spain , how to deal with the Spanish laws and regulations, investments requirements, the practices should be followed, tax implications. We follow you through the entire process of buying and selling real estate. We advise you in choosing the optimal solution for you and your needs, mediate in real estate tour, we check for you ownership and land registry documents, write the purchase contracts and follow up a real estate purchase until the signing of contract and registration of title property on your behalf.


Golden Visa Scheme Services.

In 2013 Spain introduced a new law offering residency permits to non-EU nationals in return for a minimum investment of €500,000 in Spanish property. This is popularly known as the Spanish ‘Golden Visa’ scheme.

This law enables non-EU nationals to get qualified residency permits in return for investing in Spanish real estate (and other assets), leading to long-term residency in Spain if certain conditions are fulfilled.

Spanish residency, and the ability to travel freely in the European Schengen area, for 90 out of every 180 days, is an important attraction for many non-EU investors.

Our firm is able to take you step by step through the process.


Import-Export Consulting Services.

For Arab companies, factories, importers, distributors, traders, etc… we provide advice and assistance about Spanish products, suppliers and services. We help to these businesses to improve their performance in the Spanish market, and consequently the EU market. Primarily through our qualified experienced team including Arabic speaking personnel. We will open to your company the potentials of the Spanish Market, and business opportunities in Spain considering Spain as a bridge to the EU market.

For Spanish companies, we provide consultation on the potential markets in the Middle East and Arab countries for your products and services, we also help providing information on the required standards in Middle East and Arab countries

We function as bridges for information and knowledge.


Educational services.

Study in Spain at world class universities and colleges, al-andalus offers a wide range of services from filing a college application, securing university admission with the right university, to selecting boarding.

We are devoted to meet your every need from the moment you decide to study abroad throughout your entire stay in Spain.



Tourism services.

Al-andalus aims to meet customer expectations, offering the most appropriate solutions for corporate events, seminars,and tourist packages.

With high creativity and experience, our tourism team seeks to offer customers and their stakeholders the ultimate service in corporate conferences and seminars, as well as all event management in other fields.

Al-andalus also organizes for its clients business and leisure travels of various nature. all tourist services in Spain. are provided: tickets, hotel booking ..etc.