29th December 2014

Please pay attention to this Legal notice that regulates the use, access and browse the website with URL http:www. al-andalusconsulting, hereinafter "the website".



Al'Ándalus Consulting.

Al'Ándalus Consulting

Has registered the domain:

By accessing this website, you acquire the status of user and fully accept each and every one of the conditions contained in this Legal notice.

The user undertakes to make use of the services and utilities offered by Al'Ándalus Consulting (from here on ACL), pursuant to law, good faith and public order, the uses of traffic and this Legal notice. The user will respond to ACL or third parties of any non-compliance occurred as a result of the above.

It is recommended that this legal notice is read whenever the user accesses this website as it that can be modified without notice, therefore the user acceptance will occur when you enter and continue browsing the website.

The access to the website is also subject to all notices, conditions of use and instructions, made known to the user by ACL and that may substitute, complete and/or modify this Legal Notice.

Access to the website is free of charge. ACLis not responsible for the consequences or damages arising from the access to their website and/or the use that is made of the information contained.


All trademarks, logos, trade names, distinctive signs, services, content, videos, texts, photographs, graphics, images, software, links and information of any kind that appear on this website constitute a property of ACL, therefore it may not be reproduced, distributed, communicated publicly, transformed or modified without express authorisation in writing by the legal representative of ACL.

All the above stated include the code type that makes up the website, as well as any software development that has been done by ACL and that is contained on this website.

ACL reserves the rights of reproduction, modification, adaptation, public communication, maintenance, correction of errors, transfer, sale, rental, loan and any other right of intellectual or industrial property that could correspond them about the contents of the website, prohibiting the exercise of the foregoing rights without the express permission of the owner.

The establishment of a link or a link to another page or Web site, if any, does not imply in any case the existence of relations between ACL and the holder or owner of the website where it is established, nor the acceptance or approval by ACL of their contents or services.

Whoever intends to establish a link to this website shall require prior consent from ACL, the latter reserves the right to claim damages that may cause by establishing this link without the necessary authorization.


ACL does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of the texts, articles and comments published (content) or through the website, are themselves or third parties.

ACL does not assume any responsibility for the damages of any nature that may arise from the transmission, diffusion, storage, disposal, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.

Equally ACL, is not responsible for any loss or damage to the software or hardware of user produced by the same access to the different pages that make up the website, as well as the caused as a result of the use or reproduction of the information contained there.


ACL carries out its own policy of privacy of personal data in respect for and application to organic law 151999, of 13 December, of protection, of data, of a Personal nature and to the regulation of development of the law organic data protection, approved by Royal Decree 17202007, of 21 December. This policy can be found, via the tab "Policy of data protection" of this web page.


Links contained in this website, may be directed to websites of third parties. In these cases, ACL assumes no responsibility for the content, information or services that may appear on such sites and that in no case imply any relationship between ACL Y and persons or entities holding of such contents or owners of the sites where they are located.

In any case ACL does not allow to link in any way, any content or information placed on the website.


We refer to the provisions of the paragraph cookie policy.


The law applicable to this Legal notice shall be Spanish law, and the jurisdiction to hear any claims that this website may raise will be that of the courts and tribunals of the city of Murcia.